
General Information (Last Update end 2023, source Dataxis)

  • Population 89.5 mln
  • Number of TV households 28.1 mln
  • TV sets installed base 48.0 mln
  • Smart TV installed base 5.3 mln
  • Smart TV installed base 19% of HH

HbbTV Key Facts (Last update November 2021, source IRIB)

The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Company (IRIB) is considered the only Public Service Broadcaster in the country and it is currently broadcasting 33 provincial digital terrestrial television channels and 21 national channels countrywide.

IRAN broadcasting totals 86 radio channels and 77 television channels consisting of national, provincial and overseas broadcast categories. Also, IRIB, has 8 exclusive OTT channels. IRIB live and catchup services are offering on Android TVs and smartphones.

  • Study phase started in 2010
  • Trial of HbbTV in 2017
  • Pilot of HbbTV in Tehran in 2018
  • Publishing “Iran HbbTV profile, V1” in 2019
  • Development of the “HbbTV Open Platform, HOP” to help application developers in 2019
  • Official launch of HbbTV services in 2019 with 3 services
  • Adding HbbTV services to IRIB HDTV channels (12 TV channels) and IRIB UHDTV channel in 2021 (over DVB-T2/HEVC)
  • Integrating all IRIB’s national and regional and Internet TV channels in one app called “Sepehr” and adding Sepehr to Red button launcher in 2021
  • Publishing “Iran HbbTV profile, V2” in 2021
  • HbbTV standard currently in use: HbbTV 2.0.1
  • All HbbTV services in all TV channels are distributed via satellite (DTH) or digital terrestrial networks (DTT).

HbbTV Connected Devices

  • Number of Connected Devices almost 2.9 Million

Number of Unique Visits per Day

  • Number of unique visits per day almost 25K

HbbTV Services

IRIB offers the following services in HbbTV launcher:

  • Weather information
  • Praying Time
  • Quran text
  • Game
  • Market information
  • News
  • Rich EPG
  • Catchup
  • Sepehr: IRIB live services

IRIB HbbTV launcher in IRIB UHDTV

Sepehr app

List of TV channels in Sepehr app

Rich EPG of OTT services


Weather information

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Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
Tel: +39 335 7614 596