Fifth HbbTV Annual Symposium Gathers Industry Leaders in Madrid

GENEVA — September 19, 2016 — The HbbTV Association, a global initiative dedicated to providing an open standard for the delivery of broadcast and broadband services through connected TVs and set-top boxes, and AEDETI, the Spanish Association of Interaction Television, are pleased to announce the 5th annual HbbTV symposium entitled “HbbTV: Open for Business!” in Madrid on October 18th and 19th 2016.
The Symposium will bring industry thought leaders together from broadcasters, manufacturers, operators and developers. The event features an intense two-day program with panels and keynotes across a wide range of topics. Industry speakers will share their insights on key subjects such as: the latest GFK consumer market data; the evolution of HbbTV; how to drive top line revenues with HbbTV; new advertising opportunities; an assessment of HbbTV compared to Android and iOS in our hybrid world; practical insights and lessons learned from early adopters of HbbTV 2.0.1; the role of Big Data in HbbTV services; and managing interoperability across tens of millions of homes.
“The Symposium will highlight the recent and upcoming deployments that are not only continuing proof of HbbTV’s growing acceptance as the global TV standard but they also demonstrate that HbbTV is open for business” stated Klaus Illgner, HbbTV’s chairman.
“The AEDETI is very pleased to cohost this 5th HbbTV Symposium. After the successful deployment of HbbTV 1.5 we are looking at the migration toward HbbTV 2.0.1, to take full advantage of the latest HbbTV functionalities” added José Luis Vázquez, AEDETI’s President.
To register at HbbTV’s largest, annual event, please visit:
About HbbTV Association (
Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (or “HbbTV”) is a global initiative aimed at harmonizing the broadcast and broadband delivery of entertainment services to consumers through connected TVs, set-top boxes and multiscreen devices. The HbbTV specification is developed by industry leaders to improve the video user experience for consumers by enabling innovative, interactive services over broadcast and broadband networks. The specification uses elements of existing specifications from other standards including OIPF, CEA, DVB, MPEG-DASH and W3C.
In June 2014, the activities of the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) were transferred to the HbbTV Association. This broadened the HbbTV Association’s mandate to include defining specifications for service providers and technology suppliers that streamline and accelerate deployment of IPTV services.
HbbTV Association Contacts:
Kirk Edwardson and Régis Saint Girons
Co-Chairs, HbbTV Marketing Group
The Spanish Association of Interaction Television was born in 2008 with the objective of spreading the news about interaction and maintaining a fluent dialogue with the Spanish Administration, professional sector associations, Broadcasters, advertisers, operators and electronic manufacturers to contribute to the Information Society development. AEDETI is set up by companies that extend from application developers to equipment manufacturers, reflecting the whole value chain inherited to interactivity.
AEDETI Contacts
José Luis Vázquez
If you would like to be added to our mailing list for press releases, please contact HbbTV MarCom at
Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
Tel: +39 335 7614 596