Google, Sky, RAI, ERT, Kineton, Skyworth – Major players join HbbTV Association

Geneva, October 16, 2018 – The HbbTV Association, a global initiative dedicated to providing an open standard for the delivery of broadcast and broadband services through connected TVs and set-top boxes, is proud to announce that seven new companies have joined the industry association in the past 12 months.

The new members include US internet company Google, European pay-TV broadcaster Sky, Italian public broadcaster RAI, Greek public broadcaster ERT, Italian technology solutions provider Kineton and Chinese consumer electronics manufacturer Skyworth.

“We are excited about these high-profile companies joining HbbTV Association. The continuing strong interest by major market players in our open specifications confirms our approach towards establishing HbbTV as a universal standard for hybrid broadcast and broadband services across all screens,” said Vincent Grivet (TDF), Chair of the HbbTV Association.

As an open standard, HbbTV reaches viewers across different platforms and reception devices, enabling broadcasters to maximise the reach and monetisation opportunities of their interactive services.

HbbTV has been adopted in 35 countries around the world. Over 300 applications on more than 44 million consumer devices are using its specifications to add features such as interactive services, OTT offers or targeted advertising to linear TV channels. The services are available, for example, through the red button on the remote control.

With the latest additions, the HbbTV Association’s membership base rises to 70 companies from all areas of the broadcast and broadband industry. The full list of members can be accessed at

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Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
Tel: +39 335 7614 596