HbbTV Conformance Test Suite – Version 9.2.1 Released!

Geneva, December 7, 2018 – The HbbTV Testing Group has published a new version of the HbbTV conformance test suite. The new version, 9.2.1, is a maintenance release and does not introduce any new approved test cases. In total, 114 test cases have been repaired and re-approved following feedback from users and 235 test cases have had minor editorial fixes to make them easier for testers to follow.
As normal, the Test Suite is available to be used by any organisation through one of the Registered HbbTV Test Centres. HbbTV members may also download the update from the testing group repository.
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Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
email: angelo.pettazzi@kineton.it
Tel: +39 335 7614 596