HbbTV European Round Table to be Cornerstone topic at Upcoming Lucca 2015

GENEVA — June 4, 2015 — The HbbTV Association, a global initiative dedicated to providing an open standard for the delivery of broadcast and broadband services through connected TVs and set-top boxes, has partnered with Comunicare Digitale Association and the HD Forum Italia to make HbbTV a fundamental part of Lucca 2015 with the development of the HbbTV European Round Table, taking place on June 11th 2015.
The exclusive HbbTV Round Table will highlight the importance and growth of HbbTV abroad and in Europe, with special focus on HbbTV in Italy, with a variety of sessions. The event will open with a welcome speech by Andrea Michelozzi, President of Comunicare Digitale Association, followed by a keynote address by HbbTV Chairman Klaus Illgner. Later in the afternoon, several members of the HbbTV Association will give an HbbTV country review; this will be followed by a live demonstration, and then a special talk on the role of HbbTV in Italy. The event will also feature a session on HbbTV in Pay TV, an HbbTV road map and will finish with a discussion on consumer awareness.
Hosted in collaboration with Comunicare Digitale association and the Lucca Administration, Lucca 2015 includes three main events all taking place on June 11th and 12th. The conference opens with the HbbTV European Round Table on June 11, followed by the Forum Europeo Digitale on the 12th during which the UHDTV Fame Status Report 2015 will be presented. The event will take place at the beautiful Palazzo Ducale.
“Lucca 2015, now in its 12th year, has become one of the industry’s most important events and we’re pleased that HbbTV is able to play a prominent role this year,” stated Klaus Illgner, chair, HbbTV Association. “With widespread European adoption of HbbTV over the past few years, this is a wonderful opportunity for us to share our expertise on the benefits of the specification tailored to an Italian perspective.”
“The 12th European Digitale Forum and Lucca are very pleased to host the HbbTV Round Table, with experts speakers coming from different countries in Europe. It will be an important meeting for Italian industry to keep moving forward this new technology.” says Andrea Michelozzi, President of Comunicare digitale Association
Click for more information and to see the full event schedule and click here to direct link to the the HbbTV Event program For further information about the HbbTV Association visit: www.hbbtv.org About HbbTV Association (www.hbbtv.org) Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (or “HbbTV”) is a major global initiative aimed at harmonising the broadcast and broadband delivery of entertainment services to the end consumer through connected TVs and set‐top boxes. The HbbTV specification was developed by industry leaders to effectively manage the rapidly increasing amount of available content targeted at today’s end consumer. It is based on elements of existing specifications including OIPF (Open IPTV Forum), CEA, DVB, MPEG-DASH and W3C.
HbbTV Association Contacts:
Kirk Edwardson and Régis Saint Girons
Co-Chairs, HbbTV Marketing Group
Email: press@hbbtv.org
Communicare digitale Association contacts www.comunicaredigitale.it – www.twitter.com/comunicaredigit
Carla Bressan +39 388 040 3828 bressan@comunicaredigitale.it
Susanna Ferrari +39 338 971 2888 ferrari@comunicaredigitale.it
If you would like to be added to our mailing list for press releases, please contact HbbTV MarCom at communications@hbbtv.org.
Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
email: angelo.pettazzi@kineton.it
Tel: +39 335 7614 596