HbbTV releases Version 2020-2 of the HbbTV Conformance Test Suite

Geneva, July 24, 2020 – The HbbTV Association, a global initiative dedicated to providing open standards for the delivery of advanced interactive TV services through broadcast and broadband networks for connected TV sets and set-top boxes, is pleased to announce the publication of a new version of the HbbTV Conformance Test Suite.
The new version is called v2020-2; it is the second and most important major release of the Test Suite in 2020.
The release contains 2,759 test cases in total, an increase by 173 test cases since the v2020-1 release. The release also includes the first 90 test cases for the new HbbTV specification for Targeted Advertising (HbbTV-TA) published in February 2020. The remaining test cases for HbbTV-TA will be delivered during 2020 and should form part of the 2021-1 release.
“The release of the new HbbTV Compliance Test Suite version, offering enhanced and increased verification possibilities, is a sign that the HbbTV Association and community remain completely operational in spite of the Coronavirus pandemic constraints,” said Vincent Grivet, Chair of the HbbTV Association. “Viewing habits have affirmed the important role of traditional television as a reliable source of news, information and entertainment.”
“The HbbTV specifications enable broadcasters, operators and manufacturers to make the TV viewing experience even more flexible, personalised and attractive while opening up new revenue sources and business models. The extended Test Suite ensures that existing and new features quickly and smoothly reach HbbTV-compliant TV sets and set-top boxes,” added Grivet.
The HbbTV Conformance Test Suite is an important tool for device manufacturers to verify compliance of their products with the most current HbbTV specifications and their new features. The Test Suite is available through one of the registered HbbTV test centres and, as a convenience, to HbbTV members for use in their own facilities.
For more information on the v2020-2 Test Suite, please visit www.hbbtv.org.
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Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
email: angelo.pettazzi@kineton.it
Tel: +39 335 7614 596