Call for Speakers & Save the Date – 5th Annual HbbTV Symposium Madrid October 18th & 19, 2016

The HbbTV Association and the AEDETI (Asociación Española de Empresas de TV Interactiva) are pleased to announce the 5th HbbTV Symposium which is to take place on October 18th and 19th 2016 in Madrid.
Featuring industry leaders and impressive keynotes, lectures and debates focusing on the hottest topics in broadcast and broadband TV, the HbbTV Symposium is the opportunity to network with more than 200 industry influencers. This Symposium is the most important gathering of decision makers in our Connected TV industry and is the premier HbbTV event.
We invite you to save the date in your calendars for this coming October 18th and 19th and be sure to join us in Madrid for our Symposium 2016.
Call for Speakers
If you, or someone in your organization, is interested speaking at the Symposium, please send your submission before end of day July 8, 2016 to Please make sure to include your speaker bio along with your abstract. The HbbTV 2016 Symposium oorganisingcommittee (listed at end of email) plans to review all submissions by mid-July.
Please find below a list of potential topics – these are suggestions only and we invite you to submit your own great topics.
Potential Topics
- Adopting HbbTV 2.0.1: Insights, Lessons, Considerations
- Advertising: Capability Overview; Delivering Personalized, Targeted Ads; Implementing Virtual Channels
- Harnessing the Power of Big Data to Improve Advertising, Recommendations, Audience Measurement and Operations
- OpApps: HbbTV as an Opportunity for Operators
- Country Insights: Updates from the Front Line
- HbbTV Update & Roadmap
- Interoperability: How To Reach 35M Homes With Your HbbTV App
- Driving Top Line Revenues With HbbTV: Operator, Broadcast, Manufacturer Perspectives
- Application Innovation: What’s New with 1.5 and 2.1?
- Manufacturer Update: Insights into HbbTV and Next Generation TVs
- Regulatory: Insights into Regulatory Practices
- King of the Mountain for TV Apps: HbbTV | Android | iOS
- HbbTV Market Data: Shipments, Usage, Applications
2016 Symposium Organization Committee
- Heinrich Haase, Project Coordinator, HbbTV Association
- Jon Piesing, Vice-Chairman, HbbTV Association
- José Luis Vázquez, Chairman, AEDETI
- Keith Potter, VP, Eurofins Digital Testing
- Kirk Edwardson, Co-Marketing Chairman, HbbTV Association
- Regis Saint Girons, Co-Marketing Chairman, HbbTV Association
- Rob Koenen, Steering Group member, HbbTV Association
- Xavi Redon, Steering Group member, HbbTV Association; Member, AEDETI
Thank you in advance for your participation.
If you would like to be added to our mailing list for press releases, please contact HbbTV MarCom at
Contact HbbTV Association:
Angelo Pettazzi
Chair HbbTV Marketing and Education Working Group (MEWG)
Tel: +39 335 7614 596